Is your GP practice team thriving or merely surviving? It’s time to unlock their full potential and create a culture of wellbeing within your practice.
Take a moment to reflect on these questions:
– Are you currently implementing any wellbeing initiatives for your team?
– Have you noticed an increase in happiness and job satisfaction among your team members recently?
– Do you regularly assess the wellbeing needs of your GP practice team?
Creating a supportive and collaborative culture is crucial. Ask yourself:
– Do you actively encourage and recognise the achievements and contributions of your team members?
– Are you taking steps to ensure that your team members have purposeful work and experience joy in their roles?
– Do you provide regular training and development opportunities for your team members to enhance their skills and knowledge?
Monitoring and improving your practice’s performance is essential too:
– Are you familiar with QoF QI Indicators and have you established a project team to address them?
– Have you conducted a needs assessment to identify improvement areas?
– Are you actively implementing strategies to reduce sickness absence and improve staff retention?
If you’re curious to know how your GP practice team’s wellbeing measures up, we invite you to take our quiz. Discover untapped potential and unlock a happier, more fulfilled team.
Click here to take the quiz (it takes less than 1 minute):