Another excellent update from Healthtech-1 re the national registration form. Remember if you are not yet a registration automation customer use this link to gain 100 free registrations as well as a two week free trial:
Hi there 👋🏽,
As you may know, NHS E has updated the contract to emphasise that the National Registration Form must be used on both (1) Find a GP and your (2) practice website by October 31st (today).
To help you process the PDF national registration form, and collect additional health inequalities data we’ve automated the National form (3) and built you a free Local form linked at the end of the National that you can control (4).
(1) Find a GP & NHS App
If you haven’t signed up for the National Registration Form on Find a GP, we strongly recommend doing so. Find a GP is a established way for patients to find your practice. Practices who don’t have this switched on will likely receive 20% less registrations.
You can turn this on in your hub, in 2 seconds under “Form Settings”.
(2) Your Website
We’ve created a button for you to easily switch with just a single click. This is located under Form Settings in your hub. We understand that some practices may have complications using the NHS England form, and will continue to support the Healthtech-1 form.
(3) The National form is not automated
❌ Without Healthtech-1: Practices receive a PDF of the registration form via email, which they will need copy and paste EMIS or S1.
✅ With Healthtech-1: Healthtech-1 receives the registration form, and these registrations are automated and displayed in your hub. You’ll also get a copy of the registration via PDF, and we strongly recommend setting up a folder to automatically file these away (instructions)
(4) Additional Data Capture with the Local Form
In a recent survey we carried out, 98% of practices expressed the need for a local form to gather additional health inequalities data that the national form doesn’t cover. To support you, we’ve developed a free local form specifically for this purpose, and it is automatically activated for all practices who sign-up to the National form! 👍🏽 (more info)
Currently, 15/100 patients who fill out the national form go onto complete the local form (15%) 😔. NHS E have indicated they might improve the placement of the local form to increase the completion rate, and we’re confident with some user interface adjustments it’s possible to reach up to 70% (could you help NHSE prioritise by completing this form [2 mins]).
We understand if you’d like to wait until this conversation rate is higher before switching your website form. Whatever you choose, we’ll continue to support you.
The support team and I are on hand to support you with any question.
Raj and the team at Healthtech-1 💙