The launch of the state-backed general practice indemnity schemes in April 2019 and 2020 means that NHS Resolution offers support and insights to those working in primary care, from across all of our four service areas: Claims Management, Practitioner Performance Advice, Primary Care Appeals and Safety and Learning.
They have created a short digital brochure – Supporting primary care – which provides a clear overview of what each NHS Resolution service area offers those working in primary care. The brochure highlights the support and services provided by each area and includes contact details and some links to key materials. It is intended as a high-level introduction that signposts readers to their website and individual service teams for further information.
They have made this digital brochure available as a downloadable resource from its own Supporting primary care webpage. They will also be making it available in limited numbers at select events across the year. They encourage the dissemination of the digital brochure among those working in primary care to ensure that there is an awareness of the services (often free to the NHS) offered by our four service areas, as well as of the key resources produced by the NHS Resolution service areas to aid primary care colleagues.
For those interested in other resources they have created to assist those working in primary care, their resources webpage allows users to search all their published resources. Additionally, you may find the following resources of interest:
- Supporting general practice – short videos sharing learnings from claims
- Drafting and reviewing Terms of Reference for a formal investigation – primary care – video
- Insights: Supporting the management of performance concerns within primary care
- Learning from general practice medication error claims – digital leaflet
- The work of Primary Care Appeals with the NHS dispute procedure – video