As the end of the year approaches you would be absolutely forgiven for feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Here are some of the most important steps that you can do to take a hold of the reigns and regain the feeling of control. You know by now that we know how precious your time is, this is one worth investing in. You will probably need to clear a 1/2 day in the diary for this one.
- Review finances
One of the most important things that GP practices need to do is to review their finances. This involves looking at the practice’s budget, income, and expenditure for the year, and making any necessary adjustments to ensure that the practice is financially stable going forward.
- Set goals for the coming year
Another important step is to set goals for the coming year. This could include setting targets for patient numbers, revenue, or other metrics that are important to the practice. By setting clear goals, the practice can ensure that it is focused on the right priorities for the year ahead.
- Assess staffing needs
GP practices also need to assess their staffing needs. This could involve looking at the number of doctors, nurses, and support staff that the practice currently has, and determining whether any additional staff are needed to meet demand. If you have vacancies you need to be able to clearly demonstrate how you are filling this gap in the interim. It is also important to review staff performance and identify any training needs or opportunities for professional development. This is also a great opportunity to understand how you could better utilise the PCN ARRS team.
- Conduct a risk assessment
GP practices should also conduct a risk assessment to identify potential risks and hazards that could impact the practice in the coming year. This could include identifying any areas where the practice is not compliant with regulations, or where there are gaps in policies and procedures that need to be addressed. This is wider than a property Health and Saftey risk assessment. What are the primary threats and weaknesses of the practice and how are you mitigating them?
- Review and update policies and procedures
Finally, GP practices need to review and update their policies and procedures. This includes reviewing the practice’s patient care policies, HR policies, and any other policies that are relevant to the practice. By keeping these policies up to date, the practice can ensure that it is operating in compliance with regulations, and providing the highest level of care to patients. If you haven’t had a visit from the CQC it is quite possible that your policies haven’t had a good review since 2015,16 or 17?
In conclusion, approaching the year end is an important time for GP practices to review their finances, set goals, assess staffing needs, conduct a risk assessment, and review and update policies and procedures. By taking these steps, practices can ensure that they are well-prepared for the upcoming year, and can provide the best possible care to their patients.