The reimbursement of B12 injections has risen to £9.17 for 5 vials (from £7.62) however….

The reimbursement of B12 injections has risen to £9.17 for 5 vials (from £7.62).

This sounds like good news (and it probably is!) however there are two important questions

  • how much are you buying these in for?
  • how are you prescribing them for reimbursement?

The former is an easy one. You need to ensure that this is a profitable activity otherwise you might be better off sending an FP10 to the pharmacy (although don’t forget about the time cost if this injection does make it to the right place at the right time).

The latter will make a big difference. We see many practices issue a prescription for the 5 vials (in all likely hood this is because it will be the clinical system default option).

This being the case you would be reimbursed £9.17 + VAT + £2.98 dispensing fee. = £13.98 for a course of 5 injections.

If you issue 1 vial at a time you will be reimbursed 5 x £1.83 + VAT + £2.98 dispensing fee = 5 x£5.17 =£25.88 for a course of 5 injections.




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