It was such a pleasure spending time with Tara Humphrey, MBA . Thank you from the bottom of my heart , your skillful questioning unlocked parts of my story I have never told before.
It gives me great joy to hear you describe my story as motivational. I would love nothing more than to see just one person take the next step in their story because they carve out the time to listen to this podcast.
Looking forward to exhibiting and speaking at Best Practice with Enhanced Primary Care . If you are visiting please be sure to come and say hi to myself and my wonderful team. Stand D145.
Tracy Dell and I will be co-presenting two sessions over the two days. We are also hosting a Enhanced Primary Care and Locum Practice Manager very casual dinner 11th October at 18:30 @Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Very casual because GBK don’t allow booking on show days. We will gather outside and form groups of 4-6 to grab the next available table.
My latest business is a Joint Venture with the GP specialists team on stand A68. Valeed Ghafoor is a very clever chap indeed. I look forward to supporting him and his team to scale to deliver their excellent “done for you” lab reports, repeat prescription and documents service. Keep your eyes peeled for the rebrand to Primary Care Workflow Solutions.
Apparently not everyone in Primary Care manages to get to Best Practice (you really should if you can!). If this is you but you need some support just ping me a message.