Waiting List – A reflection

I use the school holidays as an opportunity to largely clear the diary. This gives me time to spend with the family. In those times when they are otherwise occupied I get a chance to think and reflect.

As you will likely know, the fact that practices have to wait for us to find their hidden income frustrates me. Our mission is to find this income and release it to practices, knowing that there is an average of £16,000 locked away for the over 200 practices on our waiting list quite frankly hurts.

Our target is to improve our technology and scale our team to deliver a 2-week turnaround time. They tell you to set your bar high and high we have set it.

My relationship with the list has evolved over recent months. I have spoken with several people who have reminded me of a rather excellent Primary Care Payroll and Pension provider who holds such a list. Their waiting times extend a little over a year. Practices are prepared to wait. They’d rather not, but they wait in the knowledge that when they reach the top they will get the same or better excellent service as the practice who joined 3 months ago. The list helps throttle the growth, keeping it outside of the service until such time as the resources exist to support it.

Having a waiting list drives our team and technology partner in our quest for continuous improvement. Continuously improving allows us to do more with the same. When we introduce new resources we can be assured that this will have maximum impact for practices.

Holding a list also supports us to invest. Understanding how big the opportunity is, and quantifying how many practices would like an average of £16,000 for 15 minutes work, is powerful. Due to our commission-only charging structure, our success is your success. The deeper we can dig the more we can find.

From a practice perspective once you are on the list you have secured your place. Once you reach the top of the list you gain access to our full service including annual reviews. The sooner the practice joins the quicker this will be, even as we increase the delivery speed you are better off on the list earlier than later.

As of today, we will be removing self-imposed restrictions on marketing activities. We should do all we can to understand the demand for our services and support practices through a well-managed waiting list. We can then arrange the resources to support this.

I have recorded a 4-minute video that explains our service, alongside video reviews from two of our practices.

On this page, https://enhancedprimarycare.co.uk/, you can book a call with Sally to discuss the service further. If you feel ready to sign up to join the waiting list click the signup button.

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