New CQC Report – Inadequate

The intention of sharing the content of this report is to assist practices that have not yet been inspected. They can use the summarised version of the report to identify risk areas in their own practice, creating a suitable action plan to reduce the associated risk prior to inspection.

We understand how painful and damaging a CQC inadequate report is to practice and its team.  If you have been personally affected by this report please get in touch. We will offer a listening ear.

If you need more formal support we would recommend the “Looking after you team”. They offer an non-judgmental coaching support service:


The practice had some arrangements to identify risks, however we found staff had not received the recommended immunisations and no risk assessments had been carried out to identify potential risks to patients and staff in the absence of appropriate immunisations

On reviewing staff records, we found some staff had not received recent appraisals and we identified gaps in staff training.

The practice was unable to demonstrate they had systems in place for the clinical supervision of staff in advanced clinical roles.

Patient feedback was negative in relation to access and appointment availability. The practice had implemented an action plan to improve access by an increase in staff. However, on the day of inspection, staff told us that staff shortages were impacting on appointment availability.

Governance processes needed strengthening to ensure risks were mitigated. We found there was no governance lead in place to oversee systems and processes were adhered too and the actions from risk assessments had not been acted on.

The practice had some systems in place to provide care in a way that kept patients safe, but these required strengthening to ensure effective communication with staff.

We found some patients had not received the appropriate reviews to ensure effective care was provided that met their needs.

 Download full inspection report for Hill Top Medical Centre – PDF – (opens in new window)

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