The requirement to submit the FFT was suspended across the NHS in March 2020 to free up resources to support practices during the pandemic.
The requirement for practices to report to commissioners regarding FFT returns will be reintroduced into the GP contract from 1 April 2022.
Top Tips for Gaining Responses
- Allocate a FFT lead – it is there responsibility to campion the team to gain as many responsible during there normal working day.
- Collect as many as you can automatically. Ensure your text message reminder and e-consult system are automatically requesting FFT replies after each encounter.
- Setup a quick template on Accurx sending patients directly to you “NHS choices” review page. This now asks the FFT questions as standard. You’ll also end up with some glowing reviews! Encourage the team to send this after every encounter where you feel the patient may wish to give such feedback.
- Pop paper copies on the chairs in the waiting room and ask patients who are waiting for a face to face appointment to complete them.
- Run a targeted appointment report and send out the link to all patients who attended using your bulk text provider.
- Having done the hard work, don’t forget to submit your responses!!